Thursday, May 17, 2007

Deadwood and stem facing

To complete the deadwood required a 1 inch think plank about 7 inches wide and 12 foot long. This wouldn't have been a problem back in Auckland but being new to Melbourne it took a while to find a timber merchant that had Fijian Kauri. Eventually I found a great one that had all sorts of exotic woods. Very exciting for a boat builder, maybe a bit boring for others.

The deadwood was very easy to shape and attach to the boat, however it did expose a problem with the flat I had planned along the keel earlier. It wasn't quite straight near the stern which required a bit of filling.

The stem facing went on great. When I planned it down to the lines as per the plan it lined up beautiful with the planks. It ones of those parts of the boat that people cannot help touching when they see it.

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