Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rudder and Tiller

I built the rudder over Christmas in between too much food and beer. To build the rudder I diverted from the instructions a bit. First I created a board using some Fijian Kauri and Tasmanian Oak. Next I made a template from plywood from the dimensions on the plan. I used the template to mark out the rudder on the board and cut it close to the line with the bandsaw. I then used the template to trim the board to its final shape with the router.

Next I marked on the rudder the cutout for the tiller and the bottom edge of the cheeks. I then attached the cheeks to the rudder with screws above and below the tiller slot and then trimmed the cheeks to shape using the router. I then removed the cheeks and used the bandsaw to cut the rudder into its three peices.

Here is the end of my tiller. Probably a bit much for a small boat but it was a bit of fun doing it.

1 comment:

Lars H. Backer said...

Dear Friend,
What deilght to see your fine boat, and pictures from your adventures as inspired by A.Ransome's "Svallows" and "Amazons"! "Gods speed!" whishes a fellow coastal rowing enthusiast. Lars H. Backer from Stockholm Sweden. How I long for the summer!